Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Stand at Forward Base V

Sgt. Telion picked up some of the ferrocrete in his hands. The acid had wore it down into black dust. He looked outward from the remaining parts of the post. Marines were digging in, tanks were moving into firing lanes, and the wounded were being tended to. The dread

Forward base V was a scientific post for the Imperium. It had been used for developing better food strains, and making more efficent produce. Since the Tyranids landed, it was being used to map Tyranid DNA. The Imperial Guard division that was assigned to protect the post had done just that, in relative peace; compared to the rest of the planetary assault going on around them. Then it showed up. A lone lictor, stalking the Guardsmen and their charges. The guardsmen had managed to bring it down and relatively intact. Perserving the pheremone glands that were potent enough to be followed across the universe. So potent, they were still being followed after the death of the Lictor.

The Tyranids of Hive Fleet Apophis had zeroed in on the base. Smashing into the sides, crumbling fortifactions and ripping apart tanks and guardsmen alike. All that remained of the base was the original laboratory floor, the walls and roof, gone. The compound was torn asunder. There were so many holes, a squiggoth could ride in. Telion spit, and looked around, for any gaps that would be exploited. The remaining Imperials sat clustered around a flag standard. They had fought bravely, but were out gunned and out manned. They did have a secret that could tip the battle for the planet in their favour, though. The recorded DNA code of the lictor was stored and being kept with the Company Commander. In the previous onslaught, he had sacrificed his right arm to a warrior, to keep the vital information in Imerpial hands. They needed a Thunderhawk to evac them out, but that would take time. The bigger guns were pointed elsewhere.

Weapons and gear checks filled the air. Clicking metal bolts, the humming of turrets as they rotated, and Marines digging in for what they knew was coming. It was only a matter of... "Seargent!" Telion looked at the ruins below him. Captain Traveres was signalling him.

"Auspex scanners detect massive terrain vibrations. Above and below, they're coming Telion. Make sure you're ready." Telion nodded. The plan he, the Captain and the Chaplain came up with was simple enough. Two rings of defence, that could collapase into the other, the rings would bend, but they would not break.

Silence draped over the ruins of the base. Telion kept looking to his com pad on his wrist. A red light blinked. Once it went solid green, the Thunderhawk would be within range. Telion made a quick prayer, guiding anything that would make that thing fly faster. He looked down at Captain Traveres. His face was washed in green light from the Auspex scanners, he nodded.

"All right," shouted Telion, "Here they come!" Telions snipers raised their rifles, scanning the ruins for targets. The uniforming clicking of Bolters rang across the post. The Whirlwind and Predator began rotating their turrents, and awaiting the horde that was coming.

It was quiet. They had the advantage of higher ground and the ruins, but where would they come from? Calls came out from over the comm links. Green coulds began to form and surround the Marines position. Telion looked over at the Guardsmen, their skin covered in sores and black bruises from this spore clouds. "Rebreathers on," he heard the captain say. In chorus, the scouts and Telion snapped up rebreathers onto their faces.

"Movement in the east!" Heads turned and guns were raised in a heartbeat. Amongst the clouds they could see shadows darting throughout the poison clouds. It was the one moment of hesitation the Tyranids needed. Fromt he west, Hormagaunts burst from the clouds and lept over piles of ruins and slammed into the Marines caught looking to the east, simultaneously, as the Hormagaunts sprang forward, the genestealers errupted from cover and darted to the first line, guarded by the chaplain. One figure stood taller than the rest, as the brood sprinted forward, leading the charge of its genestealers. The breach of the damn burst, and Tyranids flooded into view.

Bolters roared to life, as the quick succession of fire ecohed off the ruined walls. The heavy bolters spat shells and lascannon fire at the genestealers, showering them with ammunition. The Chaplain ordered his men to hold the line. "Keep firing! They'll come to us, soon enough!" The Horamgaunts to the west were slashing into the Marines. They almost broke, but their Seargeant kept the line. His chainsword slicing into a Hormagaunt, as two more jumped in to take its place. Warriors emerged on both sides, with venmothropes in tow. The clouds of gas were getting closer, and thicker.

Captain Traveres was keeping command of the field. he ordered the Whirlwind to fire on a sawrm of termagaunts flanking the genestealers, as graceful arcs of rockets sailed through the air, and impacted on the numberless swarm. Flames and bolter fire ripped into the genestealers, leaving a trail of dead, only a handful of the Xenos remained when the fire died down to reload. The broodlord locked eyes with the Chaplain, and he was caught. The delay in orders was enough time for the stealers to scuttle in quick! As two marines were brought down by rending claws.

Tyranid warriors fired salvo after salvo into the tanks, poison crystals impacted and shattered against the armour, denting the armour. The guns kept firing. Then, the ground began to shake.